28 April 2013
New Carter Tutti Single - 'Coolicon'
13 April 2013
Analogue Observations

15 February 2013
Coldcut's Solid Steel Radio Show 25th Anniversary Mix
14 February 2013
Upcoming 2013 Performances
For the first time since their sell out show at the I.C.A. in 2011 Chris Carter and Cosey Fanni Tutti will be playing their acclaimed CHRIS & COSEY live set in London on the 19th May at Heaven.
With special guests: Mika Vainio and Excepter.
Heaven, Villiers Street, London. WC2N 6NG (Charing Cross Tube) view on Google Maps
Sunday 19th May
Doors @ 5pm
Curfew @ 11pm
7.30pm - 8.30pm - MIKA VAINIO (Fin)
6.00pm - 7.00pm - EXCEPTER (USA)
Tickets £15 (+booking fee) - Available NOW! www.ticketweb.co.uk
Cosey Fanni Tutti and Chris Carter will be performing a new CARTER TUTTI / HARMONIC COACTION audio/visual set at the Salford Sonic Fusion Festival on Thurs 21st March.
Special guest support: Holly Herndon.
For further festival details go here > www.salford.ac.uk
and more to come….
24 December 2012
Seasons Greetings...
13 December 2012
I Dream Of Wires
Chris Carter: IDOW Extended Interview #9 from I Dream Of Wires on Vimeo.
I Dream Of Wires is an upcoming documentary about the resurgence of modular synthesizers. In June 2012, the I Dream of Wires team visited the Norfolk UK studio of pioneering industrial and synthpop musicians Chris Carter and Cosey Fanni Tutti, founding members of seminal outfits Throbbing Gristle, Industrial Records, and Chris & Cosey, to name but a few. We interviewed Chris Carter about his long history with DIY electronics, modular synthesizers, and the role they've played in his storied musical career. Busy putting the finishing touches on X-TG's recently released "Desertshore / The Final Report," an album initially intended to be Throbbing Gristle's final recording, Carter expressed his enthusiasm for the current crop of eurorack modular synthesizer modules, and how he integrates them with modern tabletop FX units, to create a present-day, cutting-edge revision of his early Throbbing Gristle set up.
21 November 2012
DESERTSHORE / THE FINAL REPORT, a unique collaboration by
Chris Carter, Peter 'Sleazy' Christopherson and Cosey Fanni Tutti.
This is a two album release celebrating both the progress inherent in change
and the fulfilment of two exceptional, yet separate projects.
Available from 26th November 2012
The ‘Desertshore’ project is a 're-imagined' cover version of Nico’s seminal 1970 album first conceived by the late Peter 'Sleazy' Christopherson in Berlin 2006. In 2010 at his home in Bangkok, he refocussed his approach readying to record guest vocalists while Chris and Cosey prepared material in their UK studio for his return there in December. Sadly, Sleazy unexpectedly died in his sleep on the 25th November in Bangkok.
Chris and Cosey made a commitment to Sleazy to complete the ‘Desertshore’ project picking up from where they left off just prior to his untimely passing. With enthusiastic support and contributions from so many who were close to Sleazy, especially the guest artistes whose work he admired; Antony, Marc Almond, Blixa Bargeld, Sasha Greyand Gaspar Noé, the project is now complete.
"a quite remarkable set of songs, a repurposing of Nico's maudlin, scraping sorrow into the deep mindmassaging electronics that characterised later live work by Throbbing Gristle, X-TG and Carter Tutti,arguably even Coil's Ape Of Naples." Luke Turner for The Quietus as part of a review of a live remix preview performance of 'Desertshore' at AV Festival 2012.
‘The Final Report’
Throughout their 36 year friendship Chris Carter, Peter 'Sleazy' Christopherson and Cosey Fanni Tutti produced many pioneering and acclaimed collaborative works together.
These trio sessions were without exception always very productive; ideas that produced many hours of recordings, sound experiments, research in new performance possibilities, visuals, the ongoing design and building of new and innovative instruments; a constant restless exploration of new paths together.
‘The Final Report’ album has been completed from their final 2009/2010 sessions together at Chris and Cosey's studio in Norfolk. This album stands as the final report; a celebration, a loving remembrance of their unique partnership.
Industrial Records Ltd are proud to release these TWO extraordinary recordings.
Two teaser videos are available on YouTube
Listen to an exclusive live remix from Desertshore at Pitchfork.
Listen to an exclusive remix from The Final Report at BoingBoing.
07 June 2012
Live Remix of TG's New Desertshore Album

9th JUNE: As part of the 'We Can Elude Control' event at De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill On Sea, Sussex, Chris Carter and Cosey Fanni Tutti will be performing a live remix of Throbbing Gristle's final studio album 'Desertshore'.
The album was instigated by, and is in memory of, the late Peter 'Sleazy' Christopherson (1955 - 2010) as a ‘cover’ album, and is inspired by Nico’s 1970 ‘Desertshore’ LP, originally the soundtrack to Phillip Garrel's mythopoetic film 'La Cicatrice Interieure' (The Inner Scar).
Please Note: This is a free event and tickets can not be booked in advance. Chris & Cosey will be performing at approx. 8pm. Further details here: www.dlwp.com
12 January 2012
Live Premiere of TG's Desertshore Album at AV Festival

Wishful Thinking: In Remembrance of Peter Christopherson.
Sat 17th March 2012, 8pm–12am
Myself and Cosey Fanni Tutti will premiere a selection of live remixes from Throbbing Gristle’s nascent, and final, studio album: a cover of Nico's 1970 Desertshore LP.
This will be preceded by a rare screening of Philippe Garrel’s The Inner Scar film for which Desertshore was soundtrack and inspiration.
More details and ticket information is available here:
04 January 2012
A New Year… and the final TG album

The New Year dawns and it finds me and Cosey already in the studio since late December working on TG’s ‘final’ studio album ‘Desertshore’. In case you don’t know, our Desertshore project is a cover version of Nico’s entire 1970 seminal Desertshore album. ‘TG’s Desertshore - The Final Report’ (to give it its full title) was conceived by Sleazy on a long flight from Bangkok to Berlin in the winter of 2006, and we’ve been recording elements of the album since then.
And since then a lot happened…
Most of you probably know some of the story and some of you may know most of the story: Genesis walked out on TG at the beginning of the 2010 tour in November (we still have no idea why!) and we three attempted to recover from that disaster with a couple of X-TG shows. Feeling both deflated at TG ending and elated that he didn't have to work with Genesis again Sleazy returned to Bangkok later that month to work on Desertshore using new gear he’d bought for the project and to begin recording the guest vocalists. He died before he worked on a single note.
2011 was probably our busiest year since touring as Chris & Cosey in the 1980s' and 90s' and honestly we're not sure why this should be. You'd think as you get older things would begin to slow down a bit, but they haven't. Ironically we've also had to turn down more offers, projects and shows than ever before - we've felt close to burn-out a few times last year, after all we're only human and there are only 24 hours in a day, but we got through it, just.
All that aside, last year we managed to get all our Desertshore guest vocalists recorded for the album, some were done here at our studio, some in Europe and a few in the USA. Everyone we asked to collaborate said yes and everyone has done a fabulous vocal, Sleazy would be very happy. Sleazy could bluff for England and although when asked "how's the album coming along Sleazy?" he'd appease us with a "fine, I'll have some new mixes ready soon" it transpires that most of the work done on Desertshore was either done here in Norfolk by the three of us or stopped being done by Sleazy in Bangkok sometime in 2009. Oh Sleazy, Sleazy… * see update below
Which brings us to now…
All of the Desertshore material that was in Ableton Live (Sleazy's DAW of choice) has been re-conformed for Logic Pro (our DAW of choice) - a laborious process! To say these are early days would be a gross understatement, there is still a mountain of work to do - for a start we're still trying to formulate six years worth of existing recordings, audio sketches, rough mixes, scribbled notes, endless lists and recalling things suggested at many, many 'Desertshore discussions' had over a cuppa or three.
Our (self-imposed) schedule is to have the album finished by July for release late 2012 - maybe that's being optimistic, who knows? but we do have a career outside TG and we'd like to get back to it at some point.
* update - Feb 2012:
Apologies to Sleazy… after a few more of Sleazy’s hard drives had been uncovered in Bangkok and sent directly to us we found a batch of ‘in progress’ Desertshore material he had been working on during late 2010.